Metered paid parking has been an issue in Dearborn for more thank four years. These parking meter characters first appeared in one of my cartoons to lampoon the topic in September of 2005. Their quips won me my first SNA Award for "Best Editorial Cartoon" (seen below in "Off the Drawing Board") and I've called on them to make comments each time the issue has come up again.
That's the point!

Off the Drawing Board: When these parking meter characters first appeared in one of my cartoons, in 2005, they sported arms because they were necessary to the gag. Their latest appearance is without arms - for the very same reason!
The News-Herald, September 16
I made my first editorial cartoon comments about Ecorse's financial woes more than 20 years ago, when the city was the first in Michigan to enter receivership. In the subsequent years, the town's offered plenty of additional cartoon material - right up to this week! Who needs Kwame and the Detroit City Council? ... there's plenty of inspiration in our own backyard!
That's the point!
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