The News-Herald - November 23 |
The Press & Guide - November 23 |
As Irving Berlin wrote, and Bing Crosby sang, in the 1942 film "Holiday Inn" ...
"I've got plenty to be thankful for ..." and I celebrate that every Thanksgiving Day in my cartoons for
The News-Herald and
The Press & Guide. I'm thankful, especially, for my readers, who welcome my work into their homes every week; and for the wonderful editors and writers at the papers, with whom I collaborate. Without their work, I'd have nothing to cartoon about!
(... hey, you could sing that to the same Irving Berlin tune!)
One special note this year: I'm thankful for the help from my daughter
Juli Saad, who is studying art at Bishop Foley High School ... she inked my (our!)
Press & Guide cartoon this Thanksgiving. Thanks Juli!
That's the Point!