The News-Herald - August 29
Three little words that seem to strike panic in the hearts of all kids - including my own ranging from junior high through college - "back to school!" One of my favorite (harmless!) tortures to inflict upon them is to begin showing them the back to school sale inserts in the Sunday paper as soon as they begin to appear - sometimes as early as August 1. For the enjoyment of all you parents, I thought I'd celebrate that today.
That's the Point!
The Press & Guide - August 25
The News-Herald - August 25
There were dog-related good news stories in both Dearborn and Downriver this week, perfect for this local editorial cartoonist who likes to celebrate positive things in the community, and loves to draw dogs! (Note I said "... loves to draw dogs" not "... draws dogs well!")
That's the Point!
Crain's Detroit Business - August 23
With the Tigers' all-too-familiar annual post-All Star Game collapse, Mr. Ilitch has to be worried about meeting his team's payroll. After all, the more games they are out of playoff contention, the fewer fans will be filling Comerica Park seats!
That's the Point!
The News-Herald - August 18
Sometimes a bad pun (or two) can make for a pretty good cartoon.
The Press & Guide - August 18... And when you can get away with a third one in the same week, it's a pun-derful thing.That's the Point!
Crain's Detroit Business - August 16
Sure, the sale - and possible move - of the Pistons is big news in metro Detroit right now. But what was exciting to this hometown cartoonist when Mike Ilitch confirmed his interest in buying the team - and left open the possibility of moving them from Oakland County to downtown Detroit to share a new facility with the Red Wings - was the chance to draw two iconic characters in one cartoon; Mr. I and Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson. I've long been an admirer of Mr. Ilitch's commitment to metro Detroit and Mr. Patterson is a long-time friend and someone who has truly dedicated his life to public service. This was a rare opportunity for a cartoonist to assemble a real "dream team" of characters in one cartoon panel!
That's the Point!
The News-Herald - August 15
The boys of fall are back, and the Lions have their first pre-season game under their belts. While the outcome wasn't what fans would have liked, the first-team offense looked good in putting a touchdown on the board early and the defense showed fire that's been missing for the last few seasons. But, beware, to a hardcore Lions fan, there's no such thing as "just and exhibition game ...!"
That's the Point!
The News-Herald - August 11
Sometimes it's fun to take a couple of local issues, mix 'em up and spin it into a whole new gag. Downriver, we had Clarke's surprise primary win over Kilpatrick for the Democratic nomination; and the big annual air show coming within the same week - the perfect combination to create a little "thunder."
The Press & Guide - August 11
When 85-year-old Betty Maes was named Camp Dearborn's number-1 camper, it was the perfect opportunity to celebrate one of life's little highlights and give some recognition to a caring member of the community. After all, editorial cartoons don't always have to be cynical!
That's the Point!
The News-Herald - August 8
Rick Snyder's win in last week's Republican primary seemed to indicate that Michigan voters are ready and willing to give "Nerd Power" a chance at Governor. Back in 1984, Hollywood gave us "Revenge of the Nerds," followed by a series of sequels that included "Nerds in Paradise" and "Nerds in Love." Who knows, maybe come November here in Michigan, we'll have a new sequel titled "Nerds in State Government," with a Snyder win.
There's plenty of time over the next three months for cartoon commentary on the Snyder campaign and platform - for the moment, I just thought I'd have fun with the fact that a self-proclaimed Nerd finished first.
That's the Point!
The News-Herald - August 4
The Press and Guide - August 4
My deadlines for the Wednesday, August 4 editions of The News-Herald and The Press & Guide were in advance of the Tuesday primary, so my post-election comments had to be general. However, given the surprise outcome of both the Democratic and Republican primary races for governor, these turned out to be pretty appropriate. And by the way, if anybody can tell me exactly what did happen in those races, please post a comment; because I'm still puzzling over the outcome!
That's the Point!
Crain's Detroit Business - August 2
I first read about this story while out of town - in New York - at the same time I heard about the Tigers' injury woes that threatened their season. I thought the parallel was a natural, and it gave a fun twist to the concept.
That's the Point!
Off the Drawing Board: My original draft of this concept had a couple of businessmen types, but I thought the final - with a businessman type and a sports fan - delivered the gag better.