While my son camped out for a midnight sale on Thanksgiving, and my wife and daughters set out before dawn on the "Black Friday," to grab up retailers' "door-buster" or "early bird" specials, I did something really crazy ... I slept in! Took the day off, didn't set the alarm and slept until the turkey and stuffing and pumpkin pie coma from Thanksgiving dinner had worn off. I have my own traditional day to do my Christmas shopping - Christmas Eve!

The News-Herald, The Press & Guide - November 25
Thanksgiving is a time when we count our blessings and near the top of my list, after family and friends, are my readers, my editors and the news staffs who produce all the stories that inspire my cartoons throughout the year. These are the greetings I sent out to readers of The News-Herald (top) and the Press & Guide (bottom). Happy Thanksgiving to all the readers of Pen Points, too!
That's the Point!
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