Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cartoon of the Week: The Downtown Real Estate Game Gets Serious Again

Crain's Detroit Business - March 9

The Downtown Detroit real estate game is making a come-back. For a long time, it seemed to be forgotten, but now everybody's interested in rolling the dice and taking a turn.
That's the Point!

Off the Drawing Board: My original concept for this idea featured  more traditional approach of player sitting around a table, playing a board game. As I developed the full-size rough, I thought the composition was more dynamic with the players actually standing on the board, playing the game. My editor, Jennette Smith, suggested mentioning more real estate to broaden the concept.

Way Off the Drawing Board: Another concept I thought had potential for this week's Crain's Detroit Business is the new Detroit Parking System. I still like it, and I'm betting the topic will be in the news again ...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Cartoon of the Week: A Hole Different Problem

The News-Herald - March 1
I drew this cartoon for my readers Downriver, but it applies throughout the metro Detroit area - once we've shoveled all the snow, once the sub-zero temperatures have passed, don't be so quick to breath a sigh of relief. There's a "hole" different problem facing us as the snow melts!
That's the Point!