Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Cartoon of the Day: The Judge Ruled This One Out

Crain's Detroit Business - (scheduled to run) May 26
Sometimes breaking news breaks a cartoonist's heart.A couple of weeks ago, it looked like congressional veteran John Conyers was going to be disallowed from the August primary ballot due to an issue with his nominating signatures. I thought it was the perfect opportunity to have some "write-in fun" with a couple of local political icons. Alas, after deadline - and too late to make any changes - a federal judge ruled in Mr. Conyers' favor, putting him on the ballot after all. In the old days, my cartoon would have been pulled, in today's desktop publishing environment, it was simply deleted. The judge, in effect, ruled in favor of Mr. Conyers and against my cartoon idea. Nonetheless, I wanted to share it here because I enjoyed writing/drawing this one so much!
That's the Point!

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