Sunday, October 19, 2014

Cartoon of the Day: Ooooh - Now That's SCARY!

The News-Herald - Sunday, October 19
If you believe the advertising sponsored by all the PACs and special interest groups, every single candidate for statewide office - on both sides of the political aisle - are characters right out of the most frightening horror films; hoping to get elected, simply to do us harm once the votes are tallied and they take office. I urge you to disregard the shock ads and mailers and try something radical - research the candidates yourselves and reach a decision based on what you learn and understand, not on sound bites and catch phrases from campaigns or special interest groups that try to define a candidate or an issue. 

I'm not concerned about for whom you cast your vote; I'm concerned that you vote, and vote thoughtfully. It's your right and your responsibility.
That's the Point!

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